Wednesday, May 27, 2009

¿Do we look like tourists yet?

Since my internship at the center doesn´t start til June 1, we decided to take advantage of our first three or four free days and we´re doing some traveling around España. This morning Bec, Katrina and I got on a bus (thank God greyhound doesn´t exist here) and went to Cordoba. There is a Spanish fair here, we toured the Palace of the Kings (think: Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand that sent Columbus off to disover America) and ate at a tapas bar tonight. I love European fashion, I think most of it is really fabulous. I just wish I had paid more attention in Spanish class(es) so I would know what was being said around me. The only thing I remember from a semester of 8am religious spanish is "una cerveza!" - you can imagine where that gets me. Anyway. Tonight we´re staying at a colorful little hostel in Cordoba. Our plans for tomorrow include touring a Mosque here and then heading off to Seville in the afternoon. The weather is goreous and the sun is hot - my freckles will be in their full glory in a few days.


  1. I want to be there!!!! Can't wait to see pictures. Keep an eye out for the hott spaniards, but don't be fooled by any fancy italian leather shoes.


  2. we had this conversation today. spanish guys are hott. im not about to take one home with me, but something about the tall dark handsome guys who can´t understand a word you´re saying.... i like it. and they have really nice fashion sense. but im more in love with the shoes here. guess ill leave the men here and break me back some shoes.
