Friday, February 12, 2010

The semester where I learned how to throw a party

My internship has been a wonderful experience this semester. I could go on and on about what I've learned about program management, policies, chairing committees, staying awake through board meetings, and being asked to speak at the SASW meeting later this month. Wait, what? Yeah, more on that some other day.

But today I learned how to throw a party. I even got out of seminar (read: 3 hours of how does that make you feel?) to help plan and host this party. It was my agency's annual staff celebration for a job well done. IMAA's incredible staff had gone above and beyond all goals in 2009 and we needed to celebrate. Instead of taking the whole team to Hawaii, the executive director left us in charge of a Hawaiian theme party luncheon.
My supervisor and myself. I don't do theme parties, but when your boss (and therefore you) are the one hosting, you kind of have to. It was fun though, and the food tasted even better than it looked.
And if I do say so, it looked amazing.
Not shown: spring rolls, egg rolls, fried rice, sticky rice, chicken wings, fresh coconut, punch, sauces, and some sugary fried desserts that were pretty amazing. I probably won't have to eat for the next three days.
What a great group. We had a lot of fun and ate alot of food. I think the staff was really encouraged, and we got to forget about the snow and ice outside as we cranked the heat up to 75 and enjoyed a sunny lunch room.

Tomorrow is Vietnamese New Year and I'm headed back to Rochester to staff a booth and see the Lion Dance (I'll let you know what that is after I know) and eat lots more wonderful food.

Then I have Sunday and Monday to catch a movie and relax a little before the craziness begins again. Oh yeah, and write a speech for that engagement later this month.


  1. Who cut the pineapple? Everything looks amazing. Wow!

  2. Ponloeu and Sheena cut the pineapples, but they taught me how. I'll have to give it a whirl one of these days.

  3. Wow! I figured you had a pro take care of the pineapple. That's awesome. Looks delicious...and summery.

  4. Fun! And you have to teach me how to cut the pineapple. =)
