Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My Life is Brilliant

I've been lately thinking about my life's time.... and maybe it's just a combination of lazy summer days, spending the majority of my time at a coffee shop and getting paid for it, and lots of free time with friends, but I'm happier than I've been in a long time. Maybe content is a better word. It's been a good summer.

I miss Spain like crazy. If I spoke better Spanish I could probably live there. It's a very laid-back place, which is something I'm working on becoming myself. I'm working on a lot of things these days. If you and I have spoken for more than ten minutes in the past four months, you've probably heard the word "independence".

I'm learning Independence is a little different than I thought it was. I'm learning you don't need a plan all the time - and there is freedom in that. I'm learning to need other people, and I'm learning to pay attention. I have a professor that likes to say "Everything matters" and the more I think about that, the more it's true. I'm rediscovering my love for people and hearing their stories. Let's go get coffee sometime and talk about life.


  1. This post makes me really really happy. I love you. And I love seeing you happy. And we're still going to Italy. And NYC. And San Francisco, yes?

  2. And I LOVE THAT PICTURE. Can I have a copy??

  3. Sparky! You've never been to San Francisco! I know, I'm a little slow. But Honey we need to change this.

  4. I second what Cindy said. And I think you have to take me to San Francisco sometime... and I need to see Yosemite.

    Anyhow, I also love the picture. And you. =)

  5. I motion for a sister trip to San Francisco. All in favor say "aye."

    Also, I can't type "San Francisco" without the the song playing in my head. And you're going to ask me which song, and I'm not going to know the name of it, but it's a girl singing and a piano going dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun at the beginning. And no, I can't remember any of the words right now.

  6. You kill me. It's called San Francisco and I'm guessing you're thinking of Vanessa Carlton. It's on Shadows of the Rain, you should know this.
    Also, YES, sister trip to SF would be fab. I got a random email advertizing trips to SF today, they must know me.

  7. Yes yes yes! Vanessa Carlton, Shadows of the Rain. But really, I can't be held responsible (another song, yikes) as I don't have a playlist or anything I just the CD in and magical music comes out. So.
