Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What this isn't

This was going to be a New Years Resolutions blog, but I'm not a big fan of resolutions. I don't usually make them, and follow-through is even more rare. I figure, if something is important enough for me to change, I'll do it, and if not, well, good luck.

Then I thought I could write about what I've been up to over break and post a few pictures. Well I've seen alot of friends and family and played my share of board games, and you can look at pictues on facebook.

I haven't written much about slavery or human trafficking recently, but I also haven't been up to much. I'm still reading articles and looking up organizations and doing my best to stay informed. I know I'll have some events on campus next semester but we haven't started much since Nikki and I are both away.

So for all the things this blog isn't talking about, I thought I'd fill you in on the latest developments for my future:

There are none. Future developments, I mean. I started looking at grad schools again once I realized pursuing a Masters in Social Work wasn't necessary and I could probably find something more engaging. I found all sorts of great Masters programs - International Human Rights, International Peace Studies, Global Studies with an emphasis on just about any country. Study abroad programs in England, Australia and Germany. But there's that $51,000 a year pricetag, and that foreign language requirement that I've been trying to ignore for the past four years.
I've been looking at job listings, too. I just discovered my dearly beloved change.org has a section of job listings all over the country. By all over the country we mean that most are in Washington DC. Wrong Washington, folks. Anyway, there are some sweet jobs out there but very few in fighting Human Trafficking. I'll give it a few months before I apply anywhere since I'm not very mobile til mid-May, but that doesn't stop me from looking.

Both of my Dove Promises just told me to slow down, take notice, and savor the moment. I think that's chocolate speak for "give it up and relax, you'll figure it out".

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