Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Mom thinks I'm special

Life is ironic. I've always been one to take note of the inconsistencies that make you wonder what's really going on. I love the free dictionary's definition of ironic: Poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended. I couldn't describe this week any better. So even though putting together all the pieces makes it seem a little less coincidental, let me fill you in on the recent events that lead me to smile at today's ironies.

This summer I spent quite a bit of time learning that I am not supposed to have a plan for my life right now. I then began my senior year and struggled to not worry about my future and what I was going to do. I started a Bible study that focused on discerning the voice of God. Last week through this Bible study I realized that by not planning my future, I was still making plans for in between graduation and planning the rest of my life. I nearly audibly heard God laughing at my plans on Thursday. Then began the "life is meaningless and I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing" phase that brought us from Monday til this morning as I power walked five or six miles in frustration. Consider this the planning piece.

I attended class on Monday half asleep (10 hours of driving the day before will do that to you, I suppose) and we spent an hour and forty-five minutes talking about social work licensure. I'll spare you the infuriating details, but basically I have to get licensed, I have to start working on this ASAP, and I have to fork out quite a large amount of money to do so. Oh and I have to pick the state I'm going to live in for the rest of my life. This may not have been the exact lecture that was portrayed, but it's how my brain interpreted the message. I was not happy. I was also broke and refused to believe God would ever tell me I was going to live my life in Minnesota. Let's call this category social work and denial.

I started blogging this summer when I went to Spain. Blogging seemed like the thing to do when one travelled abroad, and I wanted to keep my friends and family updated with my trip while I was overseas. I liked it, and although I don't update this blog as much as I'd like, I have a few people tell me they enjoy reading it, too. This morning my mom sent me an email telling me how much she enjoys it. I realize she's my mom and it's part of her job to think I'm special, but it was encouraging. She said something about an alternative career in writing but hi, have you met my older sister? She's the writer. She's a really good writer. And I'm a social worker. I'm running out of names for these categories, so call this whatever you want.

I've had my internet home page MSN for years and I like it. It shows me my inbox, the forecast, major news headlines, recipes, and comics. I'm quite comfortable with it. Well MSN redesigned again in the last couple of weeks and I felt too lazy to apply all my settings again. So I changed my home page to I don't read every day, but it has a wealth of articles, blogs and ideas for activists interested in social change. Today in little print under some recent headlines, there was a link proclaiming that was hiring! I'm always looking at job openings just to see what's out there. To make a long story just as long short, wants to hire more freelance writers to blog about social change. Topics including but not limited to human trafficking, women's issues, homelessness, immigration, and poverty.

I'm pretty sure your deductive skills have already begun to put these pieces together so I'm not going to spell it all out for you, but I got a little excited this afternoon. Even if isn't interested in anything I have to say for now, it was a nice little reminder that there are more options out there than I had ever considered. I'm still pretty sure I'm not looking at a career in writing, but it's something I'm going to look into, especially just a few articles here and there for some extra gas money.

Right around this time itunes decides to serenade me with Augustana's Found My Place. Okaaay, I can take a hint. I might be a little slow and a little stubborn, but I get it.

My goals for tonight: send my resume to and start the application process for my social work licensure in the state of Minnesota. Only because you're allowed to be licensed in more than one state at a time. Life may be ironic but there's a big difference between irony and cruelty. Right?


  1. I love to see God-incidences! And it thrills me to know that just maybe I heard God's voice this morning telling me to look at your blog and then to write you that e-mail. I had no clue that so many other pieces were starting to land at the same time. It'll be fun to see what happens. Just keep taking one step at a time.

    I love you! and yes, you are special... and I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm your mom. :)

  2. This makes me incredibly happy. And excited for you. Hope the application is going well....

  3. I love you, girl. =) You ARE a good writer because you're good at putting yourself in there and making it fun and interesting and surprising and something people can relate to. That would be cool if you get to write some articles on social justice on the side (or full-time!). I think you're the kind of voice these change issues need right now because "normal", non-social work people can relate to it. How fun. Let me know what happens!
