Monday, January 18, 2010


My sister Cindy suggested a giveaway for some sweet Census 2010 promo items after last week's blog about the meeting. I'm usually one of those people who does the exact opposite of what people suggest, but it sounded like a good idea. Who doesn't like free stuff? So may I introduce:

Census Giveaway 2010

Since attending the committee promotions meeting and realizing the importance of the US Census this spring, I have decided to not only pass along the info to you, but to share some goods! The giveaway is for an aluminum water bottle with the Census logo, and I'll throw in some smaller promo items too.

Here are my simple rules:
2. Tweet about the Census! Be sure to include @sarahooms for your entry. Or if you're not the tweeting type, comment here and let me know you told two people about the Census and why you think it's important.

I'll give it a week or so and then use to choose my winner. Then I'll collect your address and send you the goods! Now go spread the word!


  1. Hello Sarah.

    The other evening I told my friends Helen and Leisha about the importance of the census and that they should get themselves counted. Whether they remember this information or not, I am unsure.


  2. Hey Darlin! I posted it on my blog, and I'm going to post a reminder about the giveaway tonight. Hope you get some more clicky-clicks!

  3. Hi Sarah!

    My name is Katherine Beckwith and I am a co-worker and friend of Cindy's. I think your blog post about giving away Census 2010 materials is a great way to spread the word and show that the Census is, in fact, important. Cindy mentioned you are now co-chair of a committee. Way to go!

    I look forward to hearing more from you!

    --Katherine Beckwith
