Friday, January 29, 2010

Weekend Winners

This was supposed to happen a few days ago, but life got in the way. So here we are and we finally have a Census2010 Giveaway winner! helped me out and Ashley from will be recieving a fantastic aluminum watter bottle sporting the Census logo within 3-5 business days.
Meaning the post office is on my list of places to go this weekend. I have a Christmas present or two to send towards the West coast. My deadline is May, so in my mind, we are way ahead of schedule.
In other news, I am now the co-chair of the Complete Count Committee (the group supplying all the wonderful census promo items and getting the word out to Olmsted County) and I have no idea what that means for any new responsibilities, but I will keep you posted. And since they loaded me up with even more goodies, I picked a second winner and Katherine will also be getting a prize very soon!

My windshield wipers are now working (I called a man. He just popped them right on. I'm done trying to do car things by myself. Til next time.)
And for the first time in eleven days, I am not working either job tomorrow. Granted, I have multiple assignments to turn in, but I'm pumped for a day off. I have friends coming down from the cities and I plan on relaxing and catching a film at the Frozen River Film Festival. Rumor has it there is a feature on Human Trafficking on Saturday, so expect some new info or ways to get invovled fighting slavery next week.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Thanks for the prize, Sarah! I also have the pleasure of getting something other than bills in mail sometime in the near future.
