Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here we are again

Tomorrow is the first day of class. My last first day of class, presumably. With this comes a variety of thoughts and feelings which are about to be puked up onto paper (or screen, in this case) for anyone who cares to read. Or maybe it's just for myself.
Don't be offended, it's not your blog.

Thought 1: my god I can't wait to be done with school.

Thought 2: holy crap what am I going to do with my life next year?

Thought 7: these 13 credits better all be slacker classes.

Thought 19: I probably won't go to class anyway.

Thought 6: I need to figure out my Spring semester internship.

Thought 4: good thing atleast one of my prof's is a regular at my coffee shop, I can bribe her with her 16oz skinny mocha with whip.

Thought 10: Working at 5:30am is going to get really old about 3 weeks into school.

Thought 22: I'm so sick of this town.

Thought 82: I'm almost ready to move back home to take advantage of that it's-still-okay-to-mooch-off-the-rents stage of life for a while longer.

Thought 54: I need to enjoy this last year of no real responsibilities or occupations.

Thought 3: I never want a real career.

Thought 72: Becoming an activist and waiting tables on the side to pay a couple bills sounds very appealing.

Thought 8: School starting = fall = colder weather coming. Move south ASAP.

Thought 15: There goes all my free time.

Thought 68: What's the best way to avoid all the drama this school year (returning students) are guaranteed to bring?

Thought 87: I have no books for this semester. I wonder if that will be a problem?

Thought 87.5: How did I ever end up on the Dean's list?

Thought 63: I really really hate class. Don't go.

But really, for as much as I don't enjoy school, there is something special about fall. It's nice to have a little more life in this town, even if the freshman are obnoxious. The rain is peaceful when you don't have to walk too far in it. The leaves are going to change and the bluffs will be beautiful. It makes me want to send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.

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