Monday, August 3, 2009

A week in my life

Isn't summer glorious? The sunshine, the free time, the reunions and sunny drives. The only reason I'm looking forward to fall and school is the fact that other people will actually reside in Winona and not just be here for a few days at a time.

Let me take a moment to fill you in on the last ten days of my life:
The day after we returned from the cabin retreat my family got some new family pictures taken. Aren't we fabulous?
We figured the most recent family photos were all centered around lovey-dovey couples in poofy white dresses and tuxes. Even those are dated and God knows I'm not about to create that cause for celebration anytime soon. Thanks, Jorgen, for putting up with my family for the evening and taking some great photos.
Two days after my weekend at the cabin I jumped in the car with my two favorite travel buddies and headed up to Duluth to meet up with two more of my favorite people.
Let me introduce you to the Library Club!
Five best friends from highschool, some from long before, (six when Cindy can get off work and join us) who live miles apart but still have way too much fun when we get together. We've changed quite a bit since we used to escape to the church library to talk and cry and be typical highschoolers, but I swear we love eachother more every time we get together.
This particular reunion involved picnics, exploring the shore of Lake Superior, illegal bonfires, Scary Mary, movies, and ending up on the wrong side of the fence.

And what would a Library Club reunion be without Scattergories?

Thursday launched three days of wedding prep/celebration. Beth and I have been best friends since middle school and college roomies for two years. Her wedding was gorgeous and so was she. I didn't take many pictures since I had other responsibilities that day, but it was lots of fun. Congrats you two!

Lots of hairspray and bobby pins have served me well for the last two days, but I'm starting to feel like I have dreds, so I think it's about time to wash these curls right outa my hair.

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