Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Centro Cultural de Luz

This week we are at the center each morning. Yesterday was food distribution day, so we put together bags of donated food for the women to pick up for their families. It was a little crazy and busy but fun to see some of the same women again and some new ones, too.
In the evening we met up with two girls who occasionally attend the center with their mother. Their mom is one of the most enthusiastic of the women that go to the cooking classes. She´s always there with a huge smile ready to jump right in and help us with whatever we´re making. Today we made gazpacho, a cold spanish soup. It was pretty good - there are lots of different variations so we decided the one we made might need some tweaking. Bec and I are still working on understanding the conversations going on around us. We could talk to the women a little today. They tend to break out in arabic and then ofcourse we don´t stand a chance, but the Spanish we can comprehend. The girls we met were very sweet and pretty fluent in English. (as well as french, arabic, spanish, and italian, maybe a few others. sheesh). They showed us around some of their favorite parts of the city. They just moved here from Tanger this winter so it´s been hard for them to meet new friends. Their mom told us today they really enjoyed our time last night, so that was cool. We wound up walking about 12 or 13 miles yesterday between going to the center and back twice and around town with the girls. Thats half a marathon if you´re keeping track. Typical for us this trip, too.
This afternoon now that class is over we are going to a Tanger restaurant that the same woman and her family own. Katrina raves about couscous, and I´m not really sure what it is, but we´re about to go eat some. The internet was working for about an hour yesterday but we have to call our friend the tech guy again and get it fixed at her apartment again. It was quite the ordeal yesterday. Spain is very laid back and they come when they want, regardless of our schedule or if we plan to be home or not.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Kiddo!!! Great reading your stories. And I'm thrilled that you're able to keep up with a lot of the Spanish conversations. Wow! That's amazing. You might even come home talking like a Spaniard after a couple more weeks. Love you bunches! Can't wait to see YOU and your pictures.

