Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Taste of Spain

A few things I really love about Spain:
Their sense of time is much more laid back. People generally get up in the morning, go to work, then go home from 2-4 to eat a big lunch and take a nap. It´s like a nation-wide nap time for adults. This, my friends, is a fabulous idea. Then dinner is at about 9pm and people stay up late. I feel like this was my schedule last year too, and I approve.
People aren´t glued to their phones. Mine is currently sitting on a dresser in Minnesota and I don´t miss it a bit. But it´s nice that people walking down the street (not to mention driving) are actually paying attention and not yelling into their mobile phones.
The fashion is incredible. Anything goes. Some key words for you: manpris. fannypacks. overalls. skinny jeans. scrunchies. scarves. something we´ve lovingly dubbed "genie pants" and are wondering if this trend will ever make it back to the states. I doubt it. Then I´m not even going to start on the shoes cause i could get carried away, but they are beautiful.
And por supuesta, it´s hot, and I love that. My freckles also love that. You might even be able to call it a tan.
Let´s see.. what else. It´s close to the rest of Europe so everyone has been everywhere and speaks every language and I´m kind of in awe of that and really jealous. Katrina and I were looking for a cheap weekend trip to Italy but we´re not good at finding those 99cent flights to other countries.
But our other plans for the week include salsa dancing on Thursday and lots of afternoons on the beach and pool. Eventually we also have great dreams of having a working refridgerator and possibly internet. It´s been an interesting couple days.

On another note, some of you may be interested that I´ve been doing great and only had one headache in the whole two weeks. Most of you probably know the headache saga and the years and years of doctors, tests, diets, medication and nothing really helps. Who knew I just needed to move to Europe? I´m sure my Mom will be sooo excited to hear that news. ;)


  1. Ah yes, genie pants and manpris. I'm so glad you're enjoying Spain and absorbing a bit of the fabulously odd fashions. And here's to no more headahes! Hope to hear more about your adventures.

  2. Mom's been praying about your headaches while in Spain--so is it the prayer or Europe???
    At any rate, I'm VERY glad you've been feeling well and having a great time.

    Love you!

  3. Hi. I would like a couple siestas, please. Can you bring those back with you? Feel free toleave the genie pants there, though. Thanks.

  4. I already bought you a years supply of genie pants. I´m sure they are really comfortable.
